ResGuides: research with Jupyter

Research with Jupyter is a course with three fundamental aims:

  • to teach basic programming in Python
  • to introduce the core components of Scientific Python (Scipy)
  • to build familiarity and skills using Jupyter notebooks

This course is intended to be taught. You may find the book useful to read by yourself, but we include only the bare minimum discussion, and assume that instructors will add detail as the opportunity arises. We have provided links to recorded lectures / video tutorials, to try to make the course more useful for those working by themselves. We assume that the course will be taught using the Jupyter notebook environment. You will find two sections which develop familiarity with the notebook environment.

This book draws much of its content and examples from the resources listed below:

Software Carpentry

Django Girls

A Byte of Python

Introduction to Computing Using Python

Python Programming Tutorial

Object-Oriented Programming in Python

Whirlwind Tour of Python



This book is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. This means: You are free to Share i.e. to copy, distribute and transmit this book You are free to Remix i.e. to make changes to this book (especially translations) You are free to use it for commercial purposes

This book was created by Dan Sandiford, and funded by Research Platforms at the University of Melbourne. Assistance in developing the lessons was provided by Alistair Walsh and Angus Keillar.

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